
Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Transfer to GL

Transfer to GL

1) Mapping of the the GL Flexfield: Payroll> GL Flexfield Map

2) Setup Costing Information at Element Links and Organizations level:

Costed = 'Y'

Costing Flexfield - For Debit Account
Balancing Flexfield - For Credit Account

N.B.For Involuntary Deduction, Pre-Tax Deduction, Tax Deduction, Termination Deduction and Voluntary Deduction elements the Costing is:
Costing Flexfield - For Credit Account
Balancing Flexfield - For Debit Account

For details see:
Total Compensation > Basic > Classification
See the Costing TAB

The Balance Flexfield is just at Element Links Level. All the segments need to be filled here.

Setup costing for the followed elements:

  • Create the Annual Leave Liability and the LSL Liability Element if applicable
Classification : Information
Input: Pay Value

  • Create the balance "PLAN_NAME"_LIABILITY.

Feed = "Liability Element"

Dimensions = _ASG_RUN, _ASG_YTD

  • Change the Formula created automatically by Oracle "PLAN_NAME"_ORACLE_PAYROLL

  • On the Run Result link Annual Leave Liability Element and the LSL Liability Element with "PLAN_NAME"__ORACLE_PAYROLL formula

  • Create the element links and setup the costing KFF

2) Run "Payroll Run"

3) Run "Pre-payment"

4) Run "Costing"

5) Run "Partial Period Accrual Calculation" for the days between the end of the pay period and the end of the accounting period, end of the month. (If applicable)

28st Feb ----------GL acct period--------
-----------------------------------PayPd--------PayPd--------PayPd--------PayPd---- 11th Feb 25th Feb 10th March


  1. A period_date which (as described above) is used to indicate the period to base the estimate calculations on. Thus the customer can specify that the estimate costs are based on runs in the current or previous payroll periods. In the above example if the estimate costs are to be based on the payroll runs executed in the previous (January) payroll period this parameter should be given a date somewhere in that January period.
  2. A accounting_date (end of accounting period)

6) Run " Transfer to GL"

7) Choose a GL responsibility (General Ledger Super User)

8) Journals> Import> RunSource = PayrollSelection Criteria = "No Group Id"Post Error to Suspence = 'Y'Choose ImportSee the log and the Output

9) Query the JournalJournal > EnterSource = Payroll
The result will be 2 different jurnals:

  1. February
  2. March(With the same costing amount)

10) Post the Jurnals

11)When the actual costs become available at the end of pay period (10th March), Run the Payroll

12) Run the pre-payments

13) Run the costing process for the current pay period (25-feb-2005 10-mar-2005)

14) Run the Tranfer to GL Process

15) Import the Journals for Source = Payroll

16) Check the results in

Journal > EnterSource = Payroll
The result will be 4 journals:

  1. Reverses for FEB-05 (Created automatically, not needed the reverse action of the journal)
  2. Reverses for MAR-05
  3. New Journal for FEB-05
  4. New Journal for MAR-05


select debit_or_credit, sum(costed_value) from pay_costs
where assignment_action_id = XXX

select sum(entered_dr), sum(entered_Cr)
from gl_interface
where reference22 in (select to_char(cost_allocation_keyflex_id) from
pay_costs where assignment_action_id = XXX)
and date_created =

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